Give the gift of GROWTH
Want to share your STAY READY story?
Want to share your STAY READY story?
“As a father, husband and executive, I have found the Stay Ready Journal by Unfinished Leadership + Jon Peacock to be an invaluable catalyst for positive growth! Everyone wants to change, get in shape, be a better father, leader, etc., but if you follow the Stay Ready program you WILL achieve your strategic objectives and goals! My wife has told me that I am more patient with our kids and her. My office team has praised me for being more positive and energetic. Stay Ready is a MUST DO + MUST READ for anyone serious about transformational change in their life. Life is too short. Get this book; do the work. Like me, you will thank God and Jon Peacock for it!”
Grant Cook
President Enpro Inc.
“I started Stay Ready in the busiest season at work and at home. It ended up being just what I needed! I set goals at the beginning and then made a plan each week to reach those goals. In my busiest season, I made time to:
- Start my day with gratitude and time in the Word.
- Wonder walk and listen to the Holy Spirit for 30 minutes daily.
- Work out. I joined a gym and started going 5x a week after spending 5 years saying I’d do it when I had time. It became a reality when I made it a priority.
- Read a book.
- Rest well.
This has made me a better wife, mom, friend, and leader. I’m so grateful for this challenge, and 6 weeks after Stay Ready I’m still putting these healthy habits in place. Here’s to continued growth and Staying Ready!
Kylie Chrismond
Mission Church Growth Track Director
“Thanks for the SRJ. At first, I wondered if there was hype with the life transformation message of 50 days, but after three stutter-steps to gain momentum and rediscovering the daily encouragements, I'm committed to 50 days of beast mode. I can't wait to see where this journey takes me!”
Jack Callaway
“The Stay Ready system helped us to prioritize the daily habits that contributed to a better version of ourselves during and after the 50 days. The ups and downs of our lives will continue, but we are immeasurably more equipped now that we’ve gone through this program.”
David & Karen Gronowski
“My Stay Ready Journal helped me focus on the purpose behind where I was spending my time during a really busy season of life. It helped me realize I want to work out so I can carry my niece and nephew home from daycare without a problem. I want to get outside every day so I’m a happier person when my husband gets home. It’s okay if I didn’t do the dishes before bed if it meant I got to call my mom and catch up with her. I saw that I only have so much time in a day and if I’m not being intentional about the person I want to become, I’ll waste that time becoming someone I don’t want to be.”
I have grown more as a leader than in any previous season of my life. My habits are clearly defined and carefully selected to build health in each area of my life. I’m becoming healthier in my 40s than in my 30s. My productivity has increased and ideas are transferring into execution. My focus has narrowed and my impact has deepened. The Unfinished Leadership cohort has been a game-changer!
Brad Prunty
Day 50 is now just a starting line, and learning to take advantage of the momentum. Grateful for Jon for putting together the Stay Ready Journal, and for always leading by example!
Tobbias Ngala
Church Movement Specialist at Mission Church
Want to share your STAY READY story?
Want to share your STAY READY story?